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Om Namah Shivay (Tamil TV Series) Set 1
Complete series now availabe on DVDs
Set 1 (Set -2)
Volue 1 - 21 (Volume 22-42)
Episodes 1 to 103 (Episode 104 to 208)
Om Namah Shivay (Tamil TV Series) story portraying Hindu mythology and featuring the divinity Shiva, as well as other gods and demigods Om Namah Shivay TV series is presumably named after the mantra 'Aum Namah Shivaya'. It "depicts the spirituality, divinity and the moving power with which Lord Shiva governs the destiny of the universe." Om Namah Shivay (Tamil TV Series) centers around Lord Shiva and brings Hindu theology to life in a series of interconnected stories. Om Namah Shivay serial begins with the creation of the universe and the other Devas, then guides the viewer through Shiva's marriage to Sati, Sati's death, Shiva's marriage to Parvati, and tales of many devotional acts, demonic battles, and important religious events (such as the creation of the twelve Jyotirlinga). Om Namah Shivay ends with events covered in the MahÄbhÄrata .
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